Here's everything that I've forgotten or have yet to put up. Enjoy!
Trip to Torremolinos!
Bummed out at the airport after finding out we weren't going to Barcelona.
Train station to Malaga from Sevilla
Metro station in Torremolinos. Very happy that we made it!
Our tricked out hotel suite.
This one is for Jay who was very curious about what the toilets looked like.
The view from our balcony
Drinking Mojito's on our lounge bed on the beach. Perfection.
Guy playing some music near our bed.
Getting the sun.
I think that Jay should be concerned. I've found my sexy pirate statue.
Beach with mountains that never seemed to end.
Jerez Winery
This is the umbrella funnel that regulates the temperature.
Follow the mystical horse barrel Chaaaaaaaaaarlie! (if you don't get this reference look up charlie the unicorn on youtube)
Absolutely cavernous. Creepy in a really cool way.
Our wine tasting tour guide.
Time to taste the wine.
Janae's wine tasting face
Lockney's wine tasting face
Monica's wine tasting face.
Mela's wine tasting face.
And finally Bridget's wine tasting face.
After the wine tasting we saw the super cute duckies!!
I cannot get enough of these beautiful flowers!
The beach in Cadiz.
Bummin around like everyone else.
It's good to get some sun. Thanks for the towel grandma!!!
After a while I got bored and made sand faces....
and a sand heart.
The last good view I got of Cadiz. It was super romantic. Definitely wish that was Jay and I in the picture.
Thanks Kera for the updates! Hope you continue to have a BLAST!